วันเสาร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Review Unit 8, Act. 1-4, page 51

Review Unit 8, Act. 1-4, page 51

Act 1. (possible answers):

visuals: table, pie chart, bar chart, graph, flow chart, diagram, picture, drawing

Act 2.
1. e. New York, which is located on Manhattan Island, is the best-known city in North America.
2. d. Port Moresby, which is the capital of Papau New Guinea, has a very high crime rate.
3. c. In Vancouver you can go skiing in the mountains, which surround the city and are covered in snow in the winter.
4. b. Robson Street, which is the main shopping street for fashion, is well worth a visit.
5. a. London is famous for its beautiful parks, which are located near the centre of the city.

Act 3.

Possible answers:
1..., where they would like to go for walks.
2..., where people meet to have tea and coffee.
3..., where people like to go for dinner.
4..., where you can go on boat trips.

Possible answers:
1. Russia has a higher birth rate than Germany.
2. Turkey has the highest birth rate.
3. Germany has a smaller population than Russia.
4. Germany has a bigger population than Turkey.
5. Turkey has the smallest population.
