วันพุธที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

102 vocab review (for midterm exam)

Choose the best word from the list below to fill in each blank.

academic, researching, villa, institute, relatives, florist, freezing cold, extract, charity, warmth, genius, overlooking, contrast, up-to-date, sailor, tropical, chatting

1. Jan always dreams about a _______island where she can spend a relaxing holiday away from work-related hassles.

2. Jack wants to build a grand seaside __________ as a special birthday present for his wife.

3. Mrs Johnson wants to donate all her money to_________because she does not get along well with her children.

4. She is an __________who spends most of her time __________and writing up scholarly articles.

5. I do not have many________but I have many friends who are always willing to help me in times of trouble.

6. Pete is a ________so he hardly stays home. He spends only 2 months a year on land.

7. My son is studying French at a well-known language____________.

8. I like the Internet because it allows me to keep in touch with the most__________current affairs.

9. Joe is a _________ to his sister, Jane. While Jane is nice and cooperative, Joe is nasty and totally uncooperative.

10. It is_________this morning! I have to wear the thick jacket Jack bought me from Japan otherwise I will catch a cold for sure.
(Answers are available from the comment section below: ดูเฉลยได้จากsection comment ข้างล่างค่ะ)

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4.academic, researching
10. freezing cold

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